Welcome to professional cosmetics internet shop www.candylashes.lv
Please note that the responsible person is the legal entity CANDY LASHES SIA (further "candylashes.lv", "candylashes", "we", "online store", "seller").


All prices are in EUR (€), including VAT 21%. The delivery is not included in price. Shipping may be free if the quantity or value of your purchase meets the conditions for free shipping. For free shipping terms, see the "Delivery" section.

Select a product group and you will see all the items in this group. Click the item to familiarize yourself with the item and its price. To buy an item, press the “Add to cart” button.

To change the quantity of the item or delete the item, press the "Cart" option and make the necessary changes.

If you are ready to order, please press the “Checkout”.

Please follow Step by Step when making a purchase to provide all the required information. When you reach the last Step, please confirm that you have read the terms of purchase in our online store and complete the purchase.

Read the "Terms and Conditions".

If you have problems with purchase, write to us [email protected] or call our customer hotline +371 29298884 (working days from 9:00 to 18:00).

Also you can order:
By phone: +371 29298884 (working days from 9:00 to 18:00)
or by e-mail: [email protected]


Return policy

In compliance with Latvian Republic regulations Nr 255 (Latvijas Republikas Ministru Kabineta Noteikumi Nr.255 "Noteikumi par distances līgumu"), after concluding of contract, consumer may use rights of refusal and unilaterally withdraw from contract during 14 calendar days from day when commodity was received.

In Latvian Republic regulations of Consumer protection (Latvijas Republikas Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības likuma 12.panta vienpadsmitā daļa), says, that consumer is responsible for safety of product during the 14 days period.

The seller may deny you rights of refusal if:
• product used
• product damage
• product without original packing
• original packing is seriously damaged

You can use Your rights of refusal only if you can present a check.

If You decide to use Your Rights of refusal, please contact us at [email protected], or call us +371 29298884 (working days from 9:00 to 18:00).

When using your right to return the goods, it must be taken into account that the costs of returning the goods are covered by the consumer.

Remember! By ordering the goods, you conclude a remote sales contract with the seller, which imposes mutual rights and obligations on both parties.

The consumer is released from all obligations to the seller if he uses his right of withdrawal and sends the seller a withdrawal form or, in the absence of such, an application in free form within the prescribed period. Within 14 days after sending such a form or application, the consumer is obliged to return the goods to the seller. In turn, the seller is obliged within 14 days after receiving the application for refusal to return to the consumer the money paid for the goods (or withhold payment until the receipt of the returned goods). The seller has the right not to return part of the shipping cost, i.e. the difference between the economical delivery method and the one chosen by the consumer.

Please note that the consumer is responsible for the safety of the product and its quality during the entire period given for the right of withdrawal!



Internet store candylashes tends to do everything for all of its customers, so please read the following rules carefully:

1. All goods have a manufacturer's warranty.
2. At the time of arrival of the product, please make sure that the packaging of the product is not damaged and that the packaging is visually well-looking.
3. When purchasing electronic goods, you will receive a warranty card and an instruction describing the terms of use of the goods and the description of the warranty terms.
4. The warranty card must contain: the name of the buyer, the name and address of the seller, the name and serial number of the item (if there are any) and the date of purchase of the item, including the stamp of the seller, the signature of the seller and the buyer. Otherwise, the warranty is invalid.
5. Warranty in effect if you can provide a proof of purchase document (check, packing list, invoice, receipt).
6. The warranty is not valid in cases where:
• You tried to fix problems yourself
• You have used an item for inappropriate purposes
• The problem occurred due to corrosion, humidity, dirt, water or sand
• You have used non-standard power units, accessories and spare parts
• The problem occurred with inadequate electrical network voltage, inadequate power block, inadequate battery, etc.
• the product does not have the appropriate packaging



Protection of personal data
General Data Protection Rules of Procedure entered into force on 25 May 2018 in the territory of the European Union (EU) (Nr.2016/679 (GDPR) General Data Protection Regulation. Further in text regulation)
The Candylashes Internet Store complies with privacy policy requirements under this Regulation.

How personal data is collected and used
- Personal data shall be transmitted with the consent of the personal data subject when registering and drawing up an order (such as name, surname, in certain cases personal identity number, in certain cases postal address, telephone number, e-mail address). The received data shall be used for the according to accounting and transport documents in conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments. We can use an e-mail address to send announcements/reminders about started but not completed item orders, order status and to send information about promotions and special offers.
- Using cookies. Stored cookies allow to save information about your visits. Re-visiting a Candylashes Internet store can avoid re-entering data.
- The online store reserves the right to unilaterally change the privacy policy, but strictly in accordance with the requirements of the law. The online store notifies the data subject of the changes via the e-mail address, if available in his profile, or the website of the online store.

Data processing objectives and legal bases
The Candylashes internet store processes personal data for the following purposes:
- Preparation of documents for the transport of goods, invoices, other documents to be executed.
- Planning and business analysis.
- sending information on special offers and proposals.
The Candylashes internet store processes personal data in the following legal frameworks:
- for the fulfilment of legal obligations under regulatory enactments.
- to ensure the legitimacy of interests.
- for entering and executing the contract.
- consent of the personal data subject.

What personal information we transfer to third parties
To improve your loyalty to our internet store Candylashes, your transfer of personal data to third parties is strictly limited. However, we have the right to share your information with the following categories of third parties so that we can provide you with our services in full quality:
- Financial transactions related to the purchase of goods in our Candylashes Internet shop can be handled by our payment service providers. We share with your transaction information with our payment service providers only for processing your payments, repaying your payments and complaints.
- We have the right to disclose your personal data to other service providers for the provision of special services. For example, hosting service providers, suppliers, those who provide servers and services, email providers, and text messages. By involving subcontractors, we shall take all necessary steps to ensure that those who process our data ensured the confidentiality of personal data.

Term of storage of personal data
The Candylashes internet store stores personal data in conformity with specified personal data processing purposes and requirements of regulatory enactments:
- data on transactions shall be stored for a maximum of 5 (five) years from the end of service.
- other data according to the procedures specified in external regulatory enactments.
- as long as the consent of the personal data subject to the database in question is valid, if there is no other legitimate justification for the processing of the data.

How we use cookies
Like other websites, we use cookies. Cookies are small text files that help give you faster and safer sites. When you visit our online store, write in our department, or are in the service section, we or our authorized service providers can use cookies to improve the experience of visiting sites, as well as for advertising purposes.
The Candylashes internet store informs you about the use of cookies and asks for your consent to place cookies in accordance with the requirements of the Law.
The Candylashes internet store does not link the user's IP address and email address to data that allows you to identify the user. This means that each user session will be registered, but the user of the internet store Candylashes will remain anonymous.